What are the Seven Rays?

The Seven Rays in theosophy and various occult traditions represent seven divine attributes of the Great Central Sun, the Source. The seven colors are pink,…

Lightworkers and Depression

I know there’s a tendency for people to assume that the term Lightworker is always going to be associated with some new agey, hippie person…

Why the Quantum Mechanics of Social Media Causes Anxiety

People’s social media posts contain energy. Whatever energy they had when they posted it will be all over it, it’s inextricably part of it and through your attention on it, that energy drives into you and your world. First through your optic nerve, on a the physical plane. Then you automatically picture whatever you’re reading or seeing in your mind’s eye, which is where creation or manifestation always begins.
Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti

Tarot Cards and Lightworkers

There are some plausible theories based off of metaphysical laws and reasons behind the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of tarot that Lightworkers of all types might find useful in their practice.

What is a Light Worker?

If you're reading this, it may mean that you already identify with the term Light Worker. You may already have a definition in mind, or…

Quantum Mechanics?

An easy way to explain this would be to say that quantum mechanics or quantum physics which will be used interchangeably throughout is the scientific…

A Paradigm Shift of Consciousness

  It is my personal understanding through a life long study of metaphysics that there is not only a correlation between quantum physics and metaphysics,…
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