
Why the Quantum Mechanics of Social Media Causes Anxiety

Everyone seems to have anxiety these days. Turn on the television and see tons of commercials advertising drugs to treat anxiety. Look at your IG feed and you’re bound to see more than a few posts about someone’s battle with social anxiety. I literally quit Facebook because everyone else’s depressing and emotional posts were giving me anxiety! I actually completely stepped away from all forms of social media, and pretty much the entire world for several years to figure some things out. And one of those things was how to deal with my debilitating anxiety that had somehow crept into every part of my life. I only mention my own past with anxiety so that anyone reading this, knows that I really do understand how bad it can get and how much it can really mess with your life. That goes for everyone that has anxiety but there’s a couple issues that lightworkers (using that as an umbrella term for all people actively trying to make this a better world) have to contend with in a different way. 

First of all, why would a lightworker get anxiety to begin with? I mean if they’re all light and love and positive vibes, shouldn’t they all be happy all the time? 

Ha! Not even a little bit. Here’s the thing. To begin with lightworkers, are very aware of the pain and problems in the world. Maybe not all the problems, but lightworkers are usually hyper aware of whatever problem areas they are drawn to, whether that be animal rights, human rights, or environmental injustices. Not only are they aware of it, they want to fix it. A lot of times they will even take on a good amount of guilt, just for belonging to the human race that’s responsible for all of that. 

People that might fall under the lightworker label and that includes the likes of empaths, intuitives, psychics, mediums, witches, healers, shamans, teachers, etc., are usually very sensitive individuals. When I say sensitive, I mean they are easily affected by the energy around them. Mostly by the energy of other humans. The term empath is perfect for this, but  sometimes people don’t even realize that they are empathic and they mistake other’s energy for their own, and this is a major problem. 

Take for example a sensitive individual, who lives with a depressed person. That depressed, sad energy will be palpable for anyone even slightly sensitive to energy, but for an empath, it can be devastating. If they allow themselves to become saturated by the depressed energy of another, a lot of times they will not be able to tell where their own energy field stops and another person’s starts. It will be like they are both drowning in the same pool of emotional energy. But instead of being able to help the other person, they both go down. Unfortunately this happens way more then it should or need happen to lightworkers. But in order to protect themselves they have to understand what is happening and then what they can do about it. 

But in today’s modern world, we’re not just bombarded by the people we physically live with or see on a daily basis. Now, we are actually tuned in and connected to every human being that’s on social media. Because we don’t have to be in the physical room with someone to be in contact with their energy. Energy doesn’t need time and space, energy simply is. The moment you connect to the stream of energy that that piece of information, whether it’s an IG post, a tweet, whatever … the minute you see it, you’ve connected to it on some level. You’ve let it in to your world. Now it might just be a passing thing, but for that second, you allowed some random piece of energy that was attached to someone else’s thought form, into your mind. It’s sort of like opening the front door to your house and letting a stranger throw their bag of trash into your living room. We wouldn’t do that in real life yet we do it a thousand times a day online.

People’s social media posts contain energy. Whatever energy they had when they posted it will be all over it, it’s inextricably part of it and through your attention on it, that energy drives into you and your world. First through your optic nerve, on a the physical plane. Then you automatically picture whatever you’re reading or seeing in your mind’s eye, which is where creation or manifestation always begins. It’s just natural, you don’t even realize you’re doing it, but you are. Now this means that your mind has created its own thought form, your own copy so to speak of someone else’s energy. If that energy is high frequency and feels good, then your energy will match it as you contemplate it. But if that energy is low and feels bad, well now you’ve opened yourself up to that unwanted, unnecessary energy input that was never yours to begin with. Yet, the longer you let your attention, curiosity, boredom to allow you to hang out with it in your mind, the longer you’re giving it access to your energy.

If it was just one post a day, for a few seconds it wouldn’t be that big of a problem. But lets be honest, in even just ten minutes of scrolling Instagram you might accidentally connect with hundreds of stranger’s varying energetic waves and some of those waves might throw you off your game for the entire day. And for what? Because some insecure stranger needed other strangers to tap the like button to make themselves feel better? Great. That’s totally fine for them. The posts aren’t always sad, sometimes the energy is saturated in hate or anger. Those types of posts spread like wild fire, because it causes the emotional body to react violently before the mental vehicle has a chance to think things through and decide to not get upset. The more people that get upset about it, the stronger the energy that surrounds it. It builds and grows momentum. Sometimes it’s positive, sometimes it’s negative. To decide which one ask yourself, how did it make you feel? Do you feel better or worse after being on social media? 

OK, so if everyone gets anxiety but lightworkers get it more because they’re empathic? Does that make them special? 

No. Because the truth is, most of us are somewhat empathic. If you don’t have empathy, you may be a sociopath. Empathy is natural and part of most people, but it varies in each of us and varies depending on the situation at hand. However lightworkers, just happen to be more empathic by nature. Even people that identify as intuitives or psychics …. Wouldn’t be able to do what they do, if they weren’t able to connect with energy on a deeper level than most. That connection to energy, that feeling of the unseen currents that surround us all the time, that’s connected to empathic abilities. The ability to share and understand the feelings of others is part of being human. But getting overwhelmed by others feelings as if they were our own, that’s being an empath. A side effect of this ability is often overwhelming anxiety, especially before the person realizes what is happening to them. 

Someone might wonder, what’s the point of being sensitive to energy if all it’s going to do is give you anxiety and mess with your emotions all the time?  

Being sensitive or empathic is a double edged sword. One one side, it can feel overwhelming. But the other side is that if you are able to figure out how you can use it to help others, then you might have just found one of your super powers. Being highly sensitive to energy is like a talent, it can be developed and used properly or you can squander it and it never does any good. At worst, it might be your downfall. If you don’t get control of your own energy field and figure out a few basic means of energetic protection, you will get overwhelmed. You could easily get overwhelmed by all the injustices in the world, your mother’s opinions, your social media, or roommate … the list is endless. Until you figure how to tell what’s your energy and what’s not, you will be playing emotional Russian roulette with yourself every time you come into contact with people. Because you can never control others or their emotional states. You can only figure out how to control your response to them. 

So how do you do that? 

Well the first thing you have to do is get off social media. I’m not kidding. Anytime you’re feeling generalized anxiety and you can’t really tell where it’s coming from, shut yourself off from social media. You can do this for a few hours, or a few days. I did it for a few years, but you don’t have to be that extreme. But get away from the constant energetic chatter of the online world. This should include email if possible. Look at it like energy fasting, instead of abstaining from food, you’re abstaining from outside energy. And just like food fasting is usually done as part of a cleanse, so is an energy fast. Your fasting/abstaining from the constant energy connections that social media creates, to allow your emotional and mental vehicles a time to rest and restore their natural equilibrium. You need to give yourself space! Not physical space, but mental space. That mental space from always being connected to the world outside of yourself. Just cut it out as much as possible and see how you feel.

Why? Because think about it, what is social media? It’s sort of like mass telepathy isn’t it? As soon as someone thinks of something or feels something, they post it. Within seconds, thousands of people around the world see it and connect with that thought form and that individual. You could say this is related to the concepts behind quantum entanglement, looking at it from a metaphysical stand point, the simple act of reading someone’s post on social media puts you in contact, on an energetic level with the source of that post. 

How? Because where your thought is, there you are. For you philosophy nerds out there, Descartes said it perfectly, with “I think, therefore I am.” Most people take that to simply mean that the process of thought itself is proof of existence. But if you look at it from this point, it could also point to the fact, that what you think, you are. Which would then follow, where you think, or more precisely where you let your thoughts go, you go. For if thought is proof of existence, where that thought goes must be of importance as well. Should it not? 

So, the very first thing the modern lightworker needs to do, when struggling with anxiety, is to cut down or cut out their energetic links on social media. The fastest and easiest way to do that, is to stop checking your feed. Period. 

Do it anyway that suits you. 

You can delete the app from your phone.

You can just ghost everything for a while. You don’t need to ALWAYS be available for everyone. You really should’t be anyways. 

You can do yoga or meditate instead. 

Honestly, meditation has changed my life. So much so, I will be writing about my personal findings soon, to share with you anything you can take into your own daily practice and hopefully feel the same relief that I have. 

But before you can meditate, you need quiet and now days, that usually starts with getting off social media. Like right after you finish reading this, put down your phone and stretch a minute. Then go for a walk, pet your dog, or look at your vision board. Take the time you usually spend looking at other people’s instagram lives/highly edited content, and use it to actively create your own dream life. It’s your life energy, are you going to keep giving away to strangers online, all day every day? 

Of course, I know there has to be a balance. But that’s the key word here: BALANCE. It usually helps to take several steps back from things to really assess how it’s affecting us. 

How do you feel about social media? Do you think it’s a bigger problem for lightworkers? 

As I wrote this blog, I realized it was a much bigger and nuanced discussion than I want to fit into one article. So I will be delving a little further into the various points mentioned above, in future posts.

Oh one last thing, I said I had taken YEARS away from social media, but I’m back now. Sort of … I’m still finding that balance for myself. But if you want to know when I post something new on here, you can follow me on IG.