
Lightworkers and Depression

I know there’s a tendency for people to assume that the term Lightworker is always going to be associated with some new agey, hippie person that only ever shows the lighter and happier sides of themselves to the world. Whether or not that’s the entire truth. That comes from people who study things like the law of vibration, wanting to apply what they’ve learned in their every day life. If you know that speaking negatively about anything will only amplify your negative experience and feelings, then why would you want to engage in that? Don’t get me wrong, we all do it. Even those of us who try not to, because we all have a huge momentum on complaining and simply reporting on every little negative thing we see or experience. What might be true in the moment doesn’t have to remain true in the future, unless you choose to take it with you into the future by speaking about it and thinking about it in the exact same way as you experienced it. 

Which brings me to the point of this particular post. Depression. It’s something that I think a lot of people that would align themselves with a general idea of Lightworkers, have and do experience a struggle with depression and mental health in general. I’m not saying that they experience it more than other groups, but just as just as much as any other. But why? I mean, if someone is all about love and light, why would they let themselves be depressed? 

Well to answer that, we have to look at a few things. First off, if you’re reading this you’re probably a Lightworker. Which means you probably care about the destiny of the planet, of all life on it as well as your own path of enlightenment and self-mastery. Lightworkers are by nature concerned with bringing more light into humanity and the earth’s structure itself. Which means that they are usually also hyper aware of the problems around the world that need more light. Makes sense right? I mean, if they weren’t so aware of the imbalance, they wouldn’t spend so much of their life energy trying to figure out how to balance it, and tip the scales strongly on the side of the Light. For the freedom of all life on this planet. 

But that’s the catch to this isn’t it? In order to bring more Light to this planet and its people, we must be aware of the need for it. Which means we see it, we feel it, we think about it, to understand it and to feel the urge that is our Higher Selves urging us to help make the balance. We want to help balance out the planetary karma that we all have contributed to. And in so connecting with the lower vibrations of things that are so out of balance, we connect our life streams to it, through our attention on it, and on the return current of our attention, the quality and frequency of whatever we are observing drives back into us, into our feeling worlds, our mental worlds and eventually into our physical worlds, if we hold the connection long enough. That is where the danger lies. Because all the hurt and pain we observe, we feel …. And then we feel the weight of this energy that is so heavy we can’t move in the direction of the Light, because all we see is the darkness we were looking at. It’s such a slippery slope. To live in this world and yet not connect with it, to the point that it takes your energy away so much that you lose the connection with your Higher Self that knows what you can do to help the planet, to help yourselves. 

Basically what it comes down to is, if your soul calls to you to help heal this planet or any part of life upon it, then you will face some darkness. How could you not? It’s where you are needed most. The key will be for you to learn how to work among the conditions of the outer world, and not take on it’s overwhelming energies, but instead stand your ground and you change the energy and frequency around you. You learn to become the dominant energy field that others will seek resonate with. Instead of being a victim of circumstances you learn to become master of your own fate. How else can you ever help others if you can’t even help yourself? And learning how to transmute the energy called depression or anxiety into something useful and powerful, is the only way to truly help everyone else. It’s like a drowning person can’t save another drowning person. One must be the lifeguard, the stronger swimmer in the water. Just like life, one must learn how to swim among the emotional currents of mankind but not go down under them. 

How do we do this? How do we learn this sort of control? Well there are many ways and many teachers. I don’t believe that there is only one path, but many. As many paths as there are travelers. I want to explore with you several techniques that I have found to actually work in a personal practice to overcome depression, anxiety and physical pain. But this post is already getting rather long and I think that it would be good to do several short workshops on each technique and explore them separately. That way you can experiment with them at home and take what works and let go of the rest. I hope you’ll check back here later to see if there’s anything helpful for you. I will be going over topics such as thought forms, how to use light rays, Reiki, manifestation techniques, how to use the violet flame for yourself and others, among many many other topics. 

I hope to see you back here and in the comments below. Because I hope that you will also share with others anything that you have found useful. Because I know this is something that a lot of Light workers and energy workers deal with.

One last thing, if you are dealing with depression or anxiety. It’s not hopeless. It’s a sign that your higher self knows that there is greater good waiting for you on the other side of this dark thing, we call depression. It’s a sign that you’re not where you’re meant to be, perhaps emotionally but also perhaps physically or financially. It’s a sign that there is something better out there for you, otherwise you would not be tortured by this feeling that you should be doing something other than whatever you are doing. It’s really the light at the end of a dark tunnel that is calling to you, to keep going. Don’t give up. Things will get better. Remind yourself that life seeks balance in all things, so however bad you’re feeling right now, the polar opposite of it, exists and is waiting for you to jump into it. This might be a quantum leap or it might be a slower process. But either way you have to remind yourself that it gets better. You are one of the people that chose to embody here to make it better, not just for yourself but for everyone. Yes, that’s a heavy responsibility that we feel when we really tune into to our mission here. But it’s equally joyous when you realize how to fulfill your own personal destiny on this planet. This is just the beginning of your path to happiness …. Don’t stop. 

Photo by Ian on Unsplash